Richard H. “Dick” Davis started writing as an infant in West Middlesex, a one traffic light hamlet nestled among rolling hills in northwest Pennsylvania. Dick’s writing advanced professionally in spite of many years of public education, including a BS from Penn State University, and careers as a journalist, media relations director for county government, corporate writer for a healthcare system, and a survivor in the wild, wacky, wonderful world of freelancing.
Dick has written stories all his life from crayon to paper, with typewriter to newspaper, and with computers to the Internet. Published topics are numerous and include features and columns on business, travel, healthcare and medicine, sports, politics, food, and restaurant reviews. Dick is a member of the American Medical Writers Association.
Wife Mary Teresa Michael is the love of Dick’s life, his soul mate, his partner, his confidante, and his best friend. Inspired by Mary, her Italian heritage, her joy of living in the moment, and sharing her endless enthusiasm and curiosity on several journeys to Italy, the moniker Ricardo was born.
Grazie, Mary.
Freelance inquiries, comments, and contributions of birra, vino or pasta are welcome here. Don’t bother with solicitations for miracle medications, get-rich-quick opportunities in unknown countries, or waterparks in deserts as I have plenty of those.